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Care Guide

This is a general/intro guide, for taking care of your suit whether it is a few hours old or years old. If in doubt, please ask before doing something you may regret!

Please note that it's important for you to do regular maintenance on your suit to extend its life and keep it looking brand new!

What to wear - 

I HIGHLY recommend you use Under Armour or something similar both Walmart and Target have great off-brands that work just as well for a fraction of the price. This is to wear under your suit/costume and helps to wick away sweat and keep you cooler, and also keeps your suit dry and cleaner for longer. Something like a balaclava can be worn on your head as well. Be cautious of the gear you're purchasing/wearing is NOT made for winter or the cold but for the summer and cooling. 

Storage - 

Suit/Costume storage is VERY IMPORTANT, I cannot stress this enough, for the overall life span of your suit/costume. Keep it somewhere that isn't too hot, cold, or damp. It is best to store up high, off the floor, away from pets, liquid, and small/young children, like a shelf, dresser, or display in a dry, room-temperature place. By hanging up your bodysuit you can prevent the fur from getting permanent creases or crimps, which would happen if stuffed and left in a container. If you are planning to keep your suit/costume in a container please gently fold it and don’t force it into a small tight space as you're more likely to crimp the fur this way. Thoroughly dry your suit/costume before storing it to prevent mold growth.

Travel/Transportation - 

A hard plastic tub or a large rolling suitcase/bin is encouraged for transporting to and from events. Having something sturdy will keep it safe from the elements and damage. Taking extra care doesn't hurt when packing your suit/costume. Squishing parts to make them fit will cause damage.

Cleaning (Body, hands and feet) - 

When it comes time for a light suit/costume cleaning, everything can be put directly into the washing machine on the gentle setting. COLD water is your best friend during this ENTRE process. If a more intense clean is needed you can fill up a bathtub with COLD water and place the body, hand-paws, and feet-paws inside. Laundry detergent can be added directly to the water while your fingers scrub the fur.


DO NOT use bleach!


Pay attention to the areas that are the dirtiest. Work the soap in and the dirt out, slow and steady as to not damage the fur! Carefully flip the bodysuit inside out and repeat the process from before. Once satisfied, drain the water and fill the tub with water once more to rinse the suit/costume out. When draining the tub the second time ring out as much water as you can, however, I caution you on actually wring the suit out as that can cause stretching.



Once drained of water and turned inside out, evenly place it inside the washer and set it to a COLD gentle rinse, for a rinse and spin. By doing this, it helps rid of a lot of the water and also helps make sure all the detergent is rinsed out.


Once finished, carefully turn your suit right side out. It should be dry/light enough to hang up. Use a hanger and give the suit a good, but gentle, brushing. Using a fan will help aid in the drying process. Brushing every couple of hours as this is going on to ensure the fur remains nice.


A hand-held carpet cleaner can be used to clean grime from the bottoms of indoor foot-paws. Note that your feet paws may take several days to thoroughly dry. Check them over carefully, including the inside, before moving them to storage. To help dry the insides the bottom can be cut off of a plastic cup to help hold the ankles open allowing air to reach the bottoms more effectively. 

Cleaning (the Head) - 

Focusing on the interior of the head, a mix of 50% water and 50% rubbing alcohol. Spray inside of the head, not the eyes as this could damage them, and allow them to thoroughly dry before each use.


 For more intensive cleaning, it is recommended. A hand-held carpet cleaner can easily get into the nooks and cranes both inside and outside your head. If you do not own or have access to one, I use Dawn Powerwash, Dawn dish soap or Oxy Clean, a soft sponge or washcloth, and a bowl of cool soapy water slowly working both inside and outside of your suit head. Be cautious of the eyes during this entire process! Be cautious of the eyes during this entire process! Pieces of dry crumpled paper towels can be inserted into the eye sockets protecting them while cleaning. DO NOT allow these to get wet as it will hold moisture against the eyes and damage them.


Unlike the body, hands and feet DO NOT use the washing machine for your head. When cleaning please remember the fur on your suit/costume will not grow back! You can use a fan to help dry your head by placing it on top. Once again, brush and thoroughly check your head before storing.

Misalanious - 

Feel free to use the complimentary fursuit brush and spray as soon as possible to ensure your suit/costume looks its best at all times. Time spent caring for your suit/costume is never wasted! 


Heat of any kind I.E. a dryer, hair dryer, or iron could melt the fur which in most cases is not reversible


Be cautious of your surroundings when out suiting to avoid dirty/messy areas. This will help keep your suit cleaner for longer periods. 


Be careful how you handle your suit. DO NOT hold, grab, yank, throw, swing, carry, kick, or spin, your suit/costume by the ears, jaw, muzzle, tongue, teeth, antlers, horns, mohawk, hair, or neck. DO NOT poke or pick at the teeth, eyes, or eye mesh as this will cause damage to the paint and eye structure. DO NOT pull, grab, yank, tug, twist, spin the tail. Dragging the feet will result in ruining the bottoms, matting, fraying, and balding of the fur. Pulling, tugging, yanking, and grabbing at suit/costume arms causes unneeded stress to seams and is considered misuse, and damage related to these actions will not be fixed. All of the above causes unnecessary stress. Damage resulting from improper usage WILL NOT be fixed, NO exceptions.


DO NOT let friends, family, or anyone else you may know or think you know, use your suit/costume as non-repairable damage may happen while it is out of your sight and WILL NOT be fixed.  


Misuse, including sexual activity, soiling, or tampering with, including but not limited to, home repairs or alterations, immediately voids your warranty. 


Brushing your suit/costume between wears keeps the fur from matting, including the face, fingers, and toes!

Above are GENERAL tips. Things may change on a day-by-day basis. Check back often if you need a refresher or a starting point. Remember, you know your suit best and it may need different or specialized care. You're always welcome to reach out to me with unique questions or concerns.

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